
this is fun, even when i'm wordless

What a difference in my motivation to write on this little blog since a friend of mine started one and we read/comment on each other's. I used to think I would write no matter what...whether I had an audience or not. However, without comments it eventually fizzled. It's as if comments are the oxygen that keep it alive.

I do have another blog that is not public. It's where I go to vent and wax poetic. So I've kept at that one pretty well. Now for some reason I get a little excited about finding some story to weave here, for my one known reader.

But today no stories are coming to mind. There are a lot...like the pig roast we had at a synogogue. Hitchiking to Marrakech. Learning Spanish from nuns. How I met Dan! (Hint-my co-workers had a "get Lani a bozo" meeting...)

In the meantime, here's a fun video: click here


Rick said...

So glad to see a fresh outing of your nimble fingers across the keyboard. You do have one fan.

Lani Vento said...

I know I have a fan...it's you! you are really showing me up with your regular and long, cohesive posts. Stop it.

Rick said...

Happy New Year Lani. Hope it is one filled with abundant blessings.

Rick said...

Happy New Year Lani! May 2012 be filled with blessings for you.

Rick said...

Gosh, it's been a month since you had fun.

Rick said...

Gosh, it's been a month since you've had fun.